Methods of Inverse Problems in Physics
This interesting volume focuses on the second of the two broad categories into which problems of physical sciences fall-direct (or forward) and inverse (or backward) problems. It emphasizes one-dimensional problems because of their mathematical clarity. The unique feature of the monograph is its rigorous presentation of inverse problems (from quantum scattering to vibrational systems), transmission lines, and imaging sciences in a single volume. It includes exhaustive discussions on spectral function, inverse scattering integral equations of Gel'fand-Levitan and Marcenko, Povzner-Levitan and Levin transforms, Møller wave operators and Krein's functionals, S-matrix and scattering data, and inverse scattering transform for solving nonlinear evolution equations via inverse solving of a linear, isospectral Schrodinger equation and multisoliton solutions of the K-dV equation, which are of special interest to quantum physicists and mathematicians. The book also gives an exhaustive account of inverse problems in discrete systems, including inverting a Jacobi and a Toeplitz matrix, which can be applied to geophysics, electrical engineering, applied mechanics, and mathematics. A rigorous inverse problem for a continuous transmission line developed by Brown and Wilcox is included. The book concludes with inverse problems in integral geometry, specifically Radon's transform and its inversion, which is of particular interest to imaging scientists. This fascinating volume will interest anyone involved with quantum scattering, theoretical physics, linear and nonlinear optics, geosciences, mechanical, biomedical, and electrical engineering, and imaging research.