Before 30 Discipleship English Version
It is my heart's desire to see the rise of this generation, burning with fires of revival. A generation that hungers for the presence of the Holy Spirit and a personal encounter with Christ. A generation that is filled with power to do mighty works: to heal the sick, to mend the wounded, to help the poor, and to be an answer for the nation's. A generation whose work and influence are not bounded only within the church vicinity-rather, their impact can be felt by their immediate families, communities at-large, the entire nation, and even by other nations. Churches will experience revival, school and campuses will be filled with an excellent generation, the market place will be revamped with trustworthy leaders, the nation's will rise up from economic, social, cultural setbacks - and shine. I dream to see history being altered by this superior generation. I want to invite you to share the same dream with me in this journey of faith. A journey that alters the history of a generation and nation. Will the dream come true? The answer is with you and me. When we decide to respond to God's calling, be faitfull in everything that we do, walk in His holiness and plan, we will see God works wonders. Through this discipleship book, I believe that a new generation will rise and light up the nation. The principles contained in this book emanate from my direct personal experience with God. It is not a theoretical teaching, but a walk of faith that I have gone through with Him. I want to share my life experience with you and invite you to join in. Prepare your luggage, fasten your seat belt, we will fly together and enter God's training camp-and come out as history changers! Yours for revival. Ps. Philip Mantofa