The Mecca Bible ; Treasured History of Ancient Arabia
The Mecca Bible is the culmination of 38 years of research, yielding the following major findings: The Holy Land promised to Abraham was not Palestine but the Mecca region of Arabia. The Israelites were originally from ancient West Arabia, with a significant population still present during the emergence of Islam, forming an important part of Saudi Arabia's population today. The original Old Testament was written in the old Arabic of the 2nd millennium BCE. Two distinct eras emerge from this research: The Israelite Era: According to this research, the Garden of Eden was situated in the lush green mountains of West Arabia during the Savannah period following the last Ice Age. The four rivers mentioned in the Old Testament are identified as four valleys in this region. Noah's clan resided near Tayef to the North. The boat of Noah is said to have landed in the mountain area of Al Arid in East Arabia, leading to the repopulation of Arabia after the Deluge. The homeland of the first Semitic Gubarah/Hebrews was the Riyadh region, from where Abraham's clan migrated to Dawasir valley and then to the Mecca region. Jacob and his children left for Misr (modern-day Ethiopia) from Idhim, south of Mecca. The Exodus under Moses is said to have occurred from Axum, with the Red Sea crossing at Bab el Mandeb, leading to a 40-year wandering in the Tihama region of Asir in Saudi Arabia. Joshua is credited with leading the conquest of the Holy Land of Mecca, and King David established a kingdom with U’ra es-Salam/Mecca as its capital. King Solomon is believed to have built the Temple to encompass the Kaaba in the location of the holy mosque of Mecca. Following Solomon, the kingdom was divided, with Samaria/A’sfan in the north and U’ra es-Salam/Mecca in the south falling to the Assyrians and Chaldeans, respectively. The Jewish Era: After Babylon fell to Cyrus the Great, the Israelites gradually returned to U’ra es-Salam/Mecca, albeit facing opposition from surrounding tribes. The Achaemenid Empire guaranteed religious freedom to its subjects. Alexander the Great's conquest in 332 BCE did not extend to Arabia, allowing Arabs to regain their independence. Believers faced pressure from heathen Arab tribes, leading to a choice between abandoning their monotheistic beliefs or leaving. While some integrated with local beliefs, a minority moved to Greek-dominated lands. In Alexandria, the Hebrew Old Testament was translated to Greek, and a Hashemite Meccan dynasty led Jews in Palestine. Under pro-Greek influence, the community started to disconnect from West Arabia. Scriptures were translated from Greek to Aramaic, defining Canaan as Palestine, Syria as Aram, and Misr as Egypt. The gentile Edomites/Adnanites emigrated from Arabia, favored by Romans for their lack of allegiance to the Greeks. King Herod built the Jerusalem Temple, which existed during Jesus Christ's time and was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70. The 2nd century witnessed the deportation of Jews from Palestine. Identity of Original Scriptures: In Palestine, liturgy was conducted in Aramaic, with Hebrew largely forgotten. In the 5th century AD, efforts to read square Aramaic texts began in Galilee and Babylonia, which were previously copied from old Aramaic texts commissioned by Ezra. This research posits that the texts must be reread in the 28-letter format and in the context of their place of origin, ancient West Arabia. When interpreted as such, geographic and historical contradictions can be resolved. Y-DNA Haplogroup Studies: Recent Y-DNA genetic studies support these findings, with high compatibility found between the Y-DNA of the Cohen family and royalty members from Jordan, Morocco, and the Shareefs of Mecca. Most of the population in KSA belongs to the J1 haplogroup family. Ashkenazi Jews are believed to have central Asian and East European origins, while Sephardim Jews have North African origins.