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Book Chapter Astronomi Islam Volume II
Book Chapter Astronomi Islam Volume II
Penulis : Arwin Juli Rakhmadi Butar-Butar, Ajraini Nazli, Najmuddin Saifullah, Monica Wahyu Utami, AR Sugeng Riadi, Muhammad Qorib, Firdaus, Abdul Rahman Cemda, Muhammad Hidayat, Zailani, Zulfi Amri, Singgih Prana Putra, Marataon Ritonga, Abu Yazid Raisal, Rosynanda Nur Fauziah, Mega Sukma. Tebal : viii + 208 halaman Sampul : Soft doff ISBN : 978-623-8091-43-0 Versi Ebook : – Kategori : Astronomi Tahun terbit : 2023 Penerbit : Bildung Sinopsis: Buku ini berisikan kumpulan artikel dari berbagai penulis yang concern dengan astronomi Islam. Buku ini merupakan buku ke-2, yaitu kumpulan artikel yang ditulis oleh para pakar di bidangnya masing-masing. Secara umum isi dan konstruksi dalam buku ini berisi pembahasan penelitian terkait astronomi Islam, seperti Arah Kiblat, Waktu Shalat, Kalender Islam Global, Astronomi, dan lain-lain.
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Muhammad: Forty Introductions
Muhammad: Forty Introductions
A “scholarly, hip, and digressive” primer on the life and teachings of the great prophet Muhammad—and the stunning diversity of Islam (New Yorker) “Muhammad is perfect . . . a book designed to seduce, educate, and irritate its audience into curiosity about Islam and Muhammad, and on all three fronts it succeeds.” —NPR Books He ranks among the most venerated historical figures in the world, as well as among the most contested. Muhammad: Forty Introductions offers a distinct and nuanced take on the life and teachings of the prophet Muhammad, using a traditional genre of Islamic literature called the forty hadiths collection. Hadiths are the reported sayings and actions of Muhammad that have been collected by the tens of thousands throughout Islamic history. There is a tradition in which Muslim scholars take from this vast textual ocean to compile their own smaller collections of forty hadiths, an act of curation that allows them to present their particular understanding of Muhammad’s legacy and the essential points of Islam. Here, Michael Muhammad Knight offers forty narrations that provide windows into the diverse ways in which Muslims envision Muhammad. He also examines his own relationship to Muslim traditions while exploring such topics as law, mysticism, sectarianism, gender, and sexuality. By revealing the Prophet to be an ongoing construction, he carefully unravels notions about Islam’s center and margins.
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The Sayings of Muhammad
The Sayings of Muhammad
This collection of the sayings of the Prophet was highly praised in its earlier edition, and it has now been carefully revised and classified. It is published in the earnest hope that it will serve in some degree to remove misconceptions as to the meaning and message of the religion of Islam, particularly with regard to tolerance in Islam and the status of women. It is also hoped that it will promote still further the goodwill and understanding between the East and West.
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The Qurʾan, Morality and Critical Reason
The Qurʾan, Morality and Critical Reason
This book presents the work and ideas of the Syrian writer Muhammad Shahrur to the English-speaking world. Shahrur is at the moment the most innovative intellectual thinker in the Arab Middle East. Often described as the ‘Martin Luther of Islam,’ he offers a liberal, progressive reading of Islam that aims to counter the influences of religious fundamentalism and radical politics. Shahrur’s innovative interpretation of the Qur’an offers groundbreaking new ideas, based on his conviction that centuries of historical Islam, including scholarship in the traditional Islamic religious sciences, have obscured or even obliterated the Qur’an’s progressive and revolutionary message. That message is one that has endured through each period of human history in which Islam has existed, encouraging Muslims to apply the most contemporary perspective available to interpret the Qur’an’s meaning.
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The Prophet Muhammad
The Prophet Muhammad
This book seeks guidance from the Prophet Muhammad's life for Muslims living as a minority. Prominent examples include how Islam was practised in Makkah under constant prejudice, how Muslims led their lives as migrants in Abyssinia and how Muslim minorities were treated by the Islamic state of Madinah
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