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Penal Culture and Hyperincarceration
Penal Culture and Hyperincarceration
What are the various forces influencing the role of the prison in late modern societies? What changes have there been in penality and use of the prison over the past 40 years that have led to the re-valorization of the prison? Using penal culture as a conceptual and theoretical vehicle, and Australia as a case study, this book analyses international developments in penality and imprisonment. Authored by some of Australia’s leading penal theorists, the book examines the historical and contemporary influences on the use of the prison, with analyses of colonialism, post colonialism, race, and what they term the ‘penal/colonial complex,’ in the construction of imprisonment rates and on the development of the phenomenon of hyperincarceration. The authors develop penal culture as an explanatory framework for continuity, change and difference in prisons and the nature of contested penal expansionism. The influence of transformative concepts such as ‘risk management’, ‘the therapeutic prison’, and ‘preventative detention’ are explored as aspects of penal culture. Processes of normalization, transmission and reproduction of penal culture are seen throughout the social realm. Comparative, contemporary and historical in its approach, the book provides a new analysis of penality in the 21st century.
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Living Things for Grades K-2
Living Things for Grades K-2
Living Things for Grades K–2 from Hands-On Science for British Columbia: An Inquiry Approach completely aligns with BC’s New Curriculum for science. Grounded in the Know-Do-Understand model, First Peoples knowledge and perspectives, and student-driven scientific inquiry, this custom-written resource: emphasizes Core Competencies, so students engage in deeper and lifelong learning develops Curricular Competencies as students explore science through hands-on activities fosters a deep understanding of the Big Ideas in science Using proven Hands-On features, Living Things for Grades K–2 contains information and materials for both teachers and students including: Curricular Competencies correlation charts; background information on the science topics; complete, easy-to-follow lesson plans; digital reproducible student materials; and materials lists. Innovative new elements have been developed specifically for the new curriculum: a multi-age approach a five-part instructional process—Engage, Explore, Expand, Embed, Enhance an emphasis on technology, sustainability, and personalized learning a fully developed assessment plan for summative, formative, and student self-assessment a focus on real-life Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies learning centres that focus on multiple intelligences and universal design for learning (UDL) place-based learning activities, Makerspaces, and Loose Parts In Living Things for Grades K–2 students investigate plants and animals. Core Competencies and Curricular Competencies will be addressed while students explore the following Big Ideas: Plants and animals have observable features. Living things have features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment. Living things have life cycles adapted to their environment. Download the FREE digital resources (image banks and reproducibles) that accompany this book by following the instructions printed on the first page of the Appendix.
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Land, Water, and Sky for Grades K-2
Land, Water, and Sky for Grades K-2
Land, Water, and Sky for Grades K–2 from Hands-On Science for British Columbia: An Inquiry Approach completely aligns with BC’s New Curriculum for science. Grounded in the Know-Do-Understand model, First Peoples knowledge and perspectives, and student-driven scientific inquiry, this custom-written resource: emphasizes Core Competencies, so students engage in deeper and lifelong learning develops Curricular Competencies as students explore science through hands-on activities fosters a deep understanding of the Big Ideas in science Using proven Hands-On features, Land, Water, and Sky for Grades K–2 contains information and materials for both teachers and students including: Curricular Competencies correlation charts; background information on the science topics; complete, easy-to-follow lesson plans; digital reproducible student materials; and materials lists. Innovative new elements have been developed specifically for the new curriculum: a multi-age approach a five-part instructional process—Engage, Explore, Expand, Embed, Enhance an emphasis on technology, sustainability, and personalized learning a fully developed assessment plan for summative, formative, and student self-assessment a focus on real-life Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies learning centres that focus on multiple intelligences and universal design for learning (UDL) place-based learning activities, Makerspaces, and Loose Parts In Land, Water, and Sky for Grades K–2 students investigate characteristics of the land, water, and sky. Core Competencies and Curricular Competencies will be addressed while students explore the following Big Ideas: Daily and seasonal changes affect all living things. Observable patterns and cycles occur in the local sky and landscape. Water is essential to all living things, and it cycles through the environment.
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Yes, You Can Get Pregnant
Yes, You Can Get Pregnant
The complete guide to getting pregnant and improving fertility naturally even if you've been told your chances of conception are low Worried about your ability to have children in the next five years? Have you been trying to get pregnant for a while now and it's just not happening? Does it seem like every woman you know is having a hard time getting pregnant and you don't want that to be you when you are ready? Do you want natural, non-invasive options to conceive? If you answered "yes" to any one of these questions, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant is for you. A nationally renowned women's health and fertility expert, Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women optimize their fertility and get pregnant, even after age 40. Here, she provides her complete program for improving your chances of conceiving and overcoming infertility, including the most effective complementary and lifestyle approaches and the latest nutritional advice. Her remedies help you how to get in tune with your body, eat the best fertility-enhancing foods, and avoid environmental toxins to achieve a healthy and stress-free pregnancy. In a friendly, understanding, and inspirational manner, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant provides hope, scientifically-backed knowledge, and emotional support to help you become the mother you want to be. "
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Body Belief
Body Belief
Imagine waking up feeling refreshed, strong, and vibrant, with your hormones in balance and your body nourished, stable, and supported on both the emotional and physical levels. For the millions who are grappling with rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, type one diabetes, and numerous other autoimmune conditions, this vision seems so distant from the daily reality that it seems an impossibility. In spite of increasing knowledge and awareness, the causes and effects of autoimmune conditions are often misunderstood, and the connection between inner well-being and physical health is not fully explored.As an acupuncturist and herbalist with over 15 years of clinical experience, Aimee Raupp, M.S., L.Ac., has treated a variety of autoimmune conditions, as well as managed her own. Her Body Belief Plan bridges the gap between our internal and external healing to present a holistic and practical approach based on the core pillars of reconnecting to ourselves, renewing our beliefs, and reawakening our health and avoiding body disconnect, behavioral sabotage, and environmental toxins. As you follow Raupp's two-phase Body Belief diet and Body Belief lifestyle roadmap, your whole self will begin to thrive, both inside and out.Raupp guides you step by step through a 12-week diet plan, weekly Body Belief guide, shopping lists, menus, meditations, mantras, and DIY and commercial suggestions for bath, beauty, and home products for self-care. With warmth and sensitivity, Raupp explores how our beliefs dictate our behavior, which ultimately dictates our health. Every person deserves to feel good, and everyone is capable of making their optimal self a reality.
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Public Lives
Public Lives
Study of the lives of Victorian women and their families. This publication offers insights into middle-class life in Britain from 1840 through the early years of the 20th century. Examined are women's relationships, their marriages, the ways they earned and spent their money, and their social, spiritual, and civic lives. The authors explore personal diaries (both men's and women's), correspondence, inventories, wills, census reports, and other documents from Glasgow, the second most important British city of the period.
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Living Things for Grades K-2
Living Things for Grades K-2
Living Things for Grades K–2 from Hands-On Science for British Columbia: An Inquiry Approach completely aligns with BC’s New Curriculum for science. Grounded in the Know-Do-Understand model, First Peoples knowledge and perspectives, and student-driven scientific inquiry, this custom-written resource: emphasizes Core Competencies, so students engage in deeper and lifelong learning develops Curricular Competencies as students explore science through hands-on activities fosters a deep understanding of the Big Ideas in science Using proven Hands-On features, Living Things for Grades K–2 contains information and materials for both teachers and students including: Curricular Competencies correlation charts; background information on the science topics; complete, easy-to-follow lesson plans; digital reproducible student materials; and materials lists. Innovative new elements have been developed specifically for the new curriculum: a multi-age approach a five-part instructional process—Engage, Explore, Expand, Embed, Enhance an emphasis on technology, sustainability, and personalized learning a fully developed assessment plan for summative, formative, and student self-assessment a focus on real-life Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies learning centres that focus on multiple intelligences and universal design for learning (UDL) place-based learning activities, Makerspaces, and Loose Parts In Living Things for Grades K–2 students investigate plants and animals. Core Competencies and Curricular Competencies will be addressed while students explore the following Big Ideas: Plants and animals have observable features. Living things have features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment. Living things have life cycles adapted to their environment. Download the FREE digital resources (image banks and reproducibles) that accompany this book by following the instructions printed on the first page of the Appendix.
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