As described in this book, "Concept of Blockchain Technologies," the blockchain is a shared public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have occurred. The public ledger's accuracy is ensured by the votes of the system's members. Moreover, data cannot be removed once inputted. Every single transaction that has ever been made is recorded on the blockchain and may be verified at any time. Perhaps the most well-known use of blockchain technology is Bitcoin, a decentralised peer-to-peer digital currency. Despite the widespread debate around bitcoin, the blockchain technology it is built on has shown to be reliable and useful in a variety of fields outside finance. This book introduces the core ideas of blockchain technology, which are the backbone of any decentralised consensus network in the Internet's decentralised environment. By producing an unchangeable record in a public ledger, all involved parties may be certain that a digital event occurred. As a result, the door is ajar for decentralising the digital economy and establishing one that is democratic, open, and scalable. We are only at the beginning of the technological revolution brought about by this disruptive technology, which presents enormous prospects. This book provides a concise overview of all the most significant parts of blockchain technology, including its architecture, cryptographic basics, bitcoin and its many facets, Ethereum, Ethereum wallets, smart contracts, and the most current trends with difficulties and solutions in this developing field.