Problems and Solutions in Economics Class XII - SBPD Publications
Strictly according to the latest syllabus prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi and State Boards of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Haryana, H.P. etc. & Navodaya, Kasturba, Kendriya Vidyalayas etc. following CBSE curriculum based on NCERT guidelines. 1.Price Elasticity of Demand, 2. Production Function : Returns to a Factor and Returns to Scale, 3. Production Costs. 4. Concepts of Revenue, 5. Producer's Equilibrium : Meaning and Conditions, 6. Elasticity of Supply, 7. Concepts and Aggregates Related to National Income, 8. Measurement of National Income, 9.Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and Related Concepts (Propensity to Consume, Propensity to Save and Investment), 10.Investment Multiplier and Its Mechanism ,