Unhinged Then Unfettered
Passionate multi-cultural romantic fiction echoes its authors experiences, revealing the challenges and injustices suffered by those from different cultures and religions as they make their way in Britain today. Issum is an Anglo-Egyptian man, torn between his disparate cultural identity and heritage. Unable to identify with either his British side or his Egyptian heritage, Issum oscillates between the two, never feeling accepted or at home within either tradition. Each culture is suspicious of Issum in its own way, rejecting him for not being pure and uncomplicated. Unable to settle culturally, Issum wanders through his early life, never achieving his full potential. Turning forty brings with it an epiphany of sorts; he qualifies as a teacher and meets an older woman whom he quickly marries. Perhaps he can find a sense of purpose and identity through marriage? Driven by compassion and responsibility, Issum is motivated to help cure his new wife of her terrible addiction to alcohol, but his efforts prove to be in vain. Once again finding himself alone, broke and on the move, Issum moves to Vietnam for work, hopeful that a new life in an exotic country will bring with it the clarity and the direction he desperately seeks. Issum finally meets the woman of his dreams, Ismahane, who shares his cultural identity crisis, herself torn between her Middle Eastern heritage and Western upbringing. Together the couple excitedly plan their future together, which will have to be temporarily put on hold while Ismahane travels abroad to become an Algerian diplomat. But as soon as she leaves Vietnam, Issums future suddenly begins to look bleak once more, as a rivalry with a British colleague and a violent altercation loom on the horizon. Will Issum be able to overcome the injustices of his past in order to build for the future? Or is racial and religious prejudice hell-bent on sabotaging his chances of happiness. In his unsettling and gripping novel Unhinged and Unfettered S. A. Ebeid reveals the pain and suffering he has endured by never being able to fit in, or be accepted by, different cultures. His book provides a timely reminder to all who believe in the success of multiculturalism, exposing its many and complex shortcomings. Authors' Note: Even though this book is a multi-cultural romance, it is so much more than a romantic novel. It deals with issues which we have to live with, in the modern world. Some issues are relatively new in our society such as the War on Terror and others many centuries older, such as alcoholism, sexism and racism. Some issues are brought to light in a humorous or thought provoking manner, others in a dark and evil manner (torture). This book does not know or give the answers to such issues. It does however try to give an insight as to how they could be dealt with or how people may react if they are treated in a certain manner. It can certainly be read as a romantic novel and the various thought provoking issues skipped. Please utilize the interactive blog of this book to discuss the issues, which you have with the author or fellow readers. It is only through discussion and understanding that societies can progress. I believe, globally, humans need to develop a better understanding and tolerance towards each other; otherwise self destruction is not a distant threat.