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Geology and Mineral Resources of the Northern Part of the North Cascades National Park, Washington
Reconnaissance geology of the 500-square-mile wilderness north of the Skagit River, and the mineral survey that was made before it became a park.
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Geology and Description of the Thorium-bearing Veins, Lemhi Pass Quadrangle, Idaho and Montana
A detailed description of the size, attitude, mineralogy, chemical composition, and geologic setting of the thorium veins in the northeastern part of the Lemhi Pass district.
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Index of Surface-water Records
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Uranium Prospect, Jan Group, Juab County, Utah
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Geology of the Bald Knob Quadrangle, Ferry and Okanogan Counties, Washington
Geology of 198 square miles in the central part of the Okanogan Highlands, Washington.
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Uranium-bearing Lignite Beds at the Gamma Property, Churchill County, Nevada
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Geology of the Tintic Junction Quadrangle, Tooele, Juab, and Utah Counties, Utah
A study of parts of the Tintic and North Tintic mining districts.
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Geology of the Thomas Range Fluorspar District, Juab County, Utah
This report concerns work done on behalf of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission and is published with the permission of the Commission.
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Epithermal Gold Deposits
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Economic Geology of the Idaho Springs District, Clear Creek and Gilpin Counties, Colorado
Description of the geology of a glaciated terrane of folded and weakly metamorphosed lower Paleozoic rocks in northeast Maine.
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