Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Convinced that Christ's crucifixion cannot be interpreted in isolation from his resurrection, Morna Hooker here gives a comprehensive and inspiring survey of the New Testament's teaching about the death of Christ. By looking closely at the great variety of images and metaphors employed in the writings of Paul and in Mark, Matthew, Luke-Acts, John, Hebrews, 1 Peter, 1 John, and Revelation, Hooker discusses the different ways in which the authors of the New Testament searched for, and then discovered, meaning in the death and resurrection of Christ. Hooker shows that the concept of substitutionary atonement does not take us far enough in understanding the profound truth, taught especially by Paul, that Christ became what we are in order that we might become what he is. He took his place as one of us and died our death in order that we might be identified with him both in his death and in his resurrection. She also demonstrates in meaningful new ways that the message of the cross - the message that lies at the heart of the gospel - is as relevant, and as disturbing, to the present generation as it was to its first hearers. Provocative, at times even controversial, this volume will be highly stimulating to readers who are prepared to take a fresh look at the New Testament evidence.