Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure
Race and ethnicity have a significant impact on leisure behavior and activity choices. Yet, until now, no book has thoroughly explored that impact, though this topic is critical for leisure professionals to understand as they shape services and programs to meet the needs of the diverse populations they serve. Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure: Perspectives on Research, Theory, and Practice brings together 28 world-renowned researchers who provide a comprehensive review and unified perspective on leisure in relation to five minority populations in the United States and Canada: African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian North Americans, Indigenous peoples, and religious minority groups. This text offers a compendium of knowledge as it • synthesizes leisure research on race and ethnicity and discusses how changing demographics will affect leisure behaviors and activities in the 21st century; • explains the leisure behaviors and participation patterns of racial and ethnic minority groups in the United States and Canada; • explores issues, including natural resource recreation, physical activity and health, tourism, and sport, as they relate to recreation activities among minorities; and • presents an international perspective, delving into the leisure behaviors of minority groups in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia. Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure examines the current theories and practices related to minority leisure and reviews numerous issues related to these diverse groups’ leisure, including needs and motivations, constraints, and discrimination. The authors consider leisure behavior of ethnic and racial groups , investigating issues such as types of recreation participation among specific groups, recreation in specific environments, and factors affecting participation. The book also suggests future directions in research and professional practice, guiding students and professionals in addressing the demographic changes in the U.S. and Canadian populations. The result is an unprecedented text that offers an extensive look at the changing landscape of recreation, leisure pursuits, our world, and the populations that are driving these changes. As such, Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure is an essential text for those preparing to enter the recreation and leisure field.