Aethera Campaign Setting (PFRPG)
The Aethera Campaign Setting is a sci-fi/fantasy setting for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game by Paizo Inc. Discover the Aethera System, a star system pulling itself out of an ancient apocalypse and a century-long war. Immerse yourself in a world of intrigue, space combat, ancient magic, and suspenseful mystery!Inside this massive 570-page tome you will find:Details of the native inhabitants of the Aethera System and their histories such as the erahthi, plant-like entities with ties to a mysterious verdant elemental plane; Infused, survivors of magical experiments that possess a psychic network and telekinetic abilities; okanta, giant-blooded humanoids infused with powerful bestial traits and remarkable cunning; and phalanx, bio-organic constructs with living souls capable of tapping into past-life memories.An elaborate cosmology of four worlds, two stars, an asteroid belt, and many outer planes as well as the cities of adventuring locations therein.Rules for incorporating exciting party-based space combat at any level.Dozens of archetypes, new feats, spells, hybrid magic-technological items, and plant-based symbionts that can join your character in battle.More than 40 new monsters and fully-detailed NPCs, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!