Molly Schaar Idle Flip Over Book: Nighty, Night, Noah and Nighty, Night, Baby Jesus
Nighty Night Noah, written and illustrated by Molly Schaar Idle, presents a simple, delightful story of Noah's ark. As the sun sets on the ark and the waves rock the boat, it's time for everyone to go to sleep. It is then that Noah tucks in the animals (two by two) and in alphabetical order. Kids not only learn the alphabet and the different kinds of animals, they also get to see the animals going through the bed time rituals that they themselves go through with their parents--brushing teeth, asking for another drink of water, saying prayers. As part of the story, children will begin to learn the prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep...." In the story Nighty Night, Baby Jesus, the animals are awakened by the rooster who is confused by the brilliant light coming from the manger--Cock-a-doodle-doo! Nighty Night, Baby Jesus, written and illustrated by Molly Schaar Idle, presents the night Jesus is born and the delight of the stable animals as they one-by-one discover his presence. Children will happily share in the joy of of the animals welcoming the baby Jesus--this is a cause for celebration! Finally, the animals must quiet down so the baby can get his rest, "Nighty Night, Baby Jesus!"