That’S What I’M Talking About
The message of this book is to reveal the true heart of common ordinary people living in todays world, trying to be in control of their simple lives as they experience day-by-day victories, battles, and sometimes, defeats. How do we face good times without being arrogant? Some face illness and death with confidence that a better day is just ahead. Wow! Read and see how we find our way when we find ourselves without a job or without hope due to devastating illness. My lifes stories have begun with the first Just Checking In series in the old Earp family homeplace in Eastland County in Texas. I was rocked on my Grandma Earps lap as she sat before the fireplace as my mother Opal cooked on the old wooden stove in the kitchen. What a heritage my brother Wes, my sister Jo, and I had as we were loved and mentored by Grandma Earp. That was her main responsibility. Stories in this fourth book have more stories about my children, my friends, and especially my husband, Bill. He continues to make me laugh a lot at his expense. But hes always a good sport when I read him a story about himself, and I ask him if it is okay if I share it in my book. This book is being edited by my very smart granddaughter Morgan Roberts, who is a freshman at the University of Southern California. That way, I am assured she will read every word that I write. Its well worth the price. Come read my book and become a part of my heart and my life.