Unity in Diversity
The authors discuss the intricate relationships between interfaith activities and religious identity, nationalism, violence, and peacemaking in four very different settings: Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan. They interview the whole cross-section of local Interfaith Dialogue workers: not only clerics and "dialoguing" professionals but also laypersons, who are often more eloquent than any scholar at expressing the realities, hopes, and frustrations of Interfaith Dialogue within their home countries. They take on the perennial dilemma faced by Interfaith Dialogue proponents: avoid politics and risk irrelevance, or take up the political questions and risk "politicizing" the dialogue, with all the disruptive effects this implies. Above all, this important book demonstrates the desire for interfaith dialogue in these polarized societies, and the extent to which, against strong odds, religious communities are connecting with each other. (Back cover).