"It was a pleasant surprise for me Ashraf Chaudhry, a capable and inspiring professor of English Literature and my friend and my colleague of 35 years, turn into a forceful political analyst, an enlightened commentator of national and international affairs, and an active sponsor of interfaith harmony in a foreign land. I have been reading his discourses on varied subjects with interest and am always impressed by the deep thinking and extensive reading that goes into writing them. This collection is a valuable contribution and should be welcomed by those who wish to read thoughts of a mature Pakistani mind in real perspective. Prof. M. H. Hamdani, former Principal, F. G. Syed College, Rawalpindi ****** Mr. Ashraf Chaudhry is one of Pakistan Link's most distinguished writers. His articles are studded with facts and figures that are strikingly revealing and wholly incontrovertible. The more learned and serious-minded readers admire Mr. Chaudhry for his insight, scholarship, and perspicacity. Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui, editor, Pakistan Link. ****** "In Rawalpindi, Professor Ashraf Chaudhry and I were neighbors. He was my senior. When the sub continent was divided in 1947, and PAkistan emerged as a new State, our parents migrated from the Indian territory to Pakistan. Prof. Chaundhry was a very brilliant and hard working student from his very childhood. He is a self-made man. I have read some of his articles and columns in the Pakistan Link. I was much impressed by the candidness and clarity of vision he brings to his writings. He supports democrary and condemns dictaorship. He writes on human rights and human values and believes in the presence of goodness in all human beings. He rejects sectarian and radical approach in religion, and stresses on the need of a pluralist aspect of religion. Often he underpins the problems, offers cautiously some solutions, and is never hesitant in naming the culprits. He rewards and censures the same political actors, depending on their performance, and hold no personal grudge against any one of them." Dr. Maqsood Jafri, author and political activist.