Transcriptome-wide Identification of MRNA Targets of Nanos
Translational regulation plays an important role in gene expression. In this work, I focus on Nanos (Nos), a conserved RNA-binding protein that acts as a translational repressor to control a number of biological processes. In Chapter 1, I summarize current knowledge about the mechanism of action of Nos and briefly discuss the known regulatory targets of Nos. By utilizing Upf1-Nos chimera protein, I aimed to identify mRNA regulatory targets of Nos. As described in Chapter 2, I show that Nos potentially regulates approximately 32% of the transcriptome in the early embryo. I demonstrate that the majority of Upf1-Nos depleted mRNAs are likely regulated by the cooperative action of Nos and Pumilio (Pum) in Chapter 2. I identify molecular mechanisms for recognition of this diverse population of mRNAs in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, I describe evidence suggesting that Bruno may be a novel partner that mediates a minor fraction of Nos activity in vivo. This work dramatically expands the list of potential Nos regulatory targets, from the previous number of 11 to 2554.