Education, Literature, and Islam
Preface Introduction 1. Speaking for Myself 2. My Schooldays 3. Right and Wrong in Education 4. Textbooks: New Ideals and Responsibilities 5. Education and Traditional Values 6. Culture 7. Conscience 8. When the World is Too Much with Us 9. Secularism 10. Sufism in India 11. Indo-Iranian Synthesis in Literature 12. The Perso Arabic Script 13. Amir Khusrau 14. Ghalib: The Poetic Tradition 15. Ghalib as Poet 16. Iqbal 17. Umrao Jan Ada 18. What Shakespeare Means to Me 19. Glories of Indian Art 20. The Red Fort 21. The Qutub Complex as a Social Document 22. The Status of the Individual Conscience in Islam 23. Freedom and Obligation: The Islamic View 24. Islamic Influence on Indian Society 25. The Indian Muslims after Independence 26. Gandhi and the Muslim Masses 27. Guru Nanak Through Muslim Eyes 28. The Discovery of India 29. Approach to the Study of Medieval Indian History 30. The Meaning of Indian History 31. The Middle Ages (ad 900-1450) 32. The Religious World-State (ad 200-900) 33. A Century of Revolutions (1750 1850) 34. Profiles of Some Great Cultures Index ....Education has become a process of transmission and reception, and the more smooth-working the machinery, the more satisfactory the results. Consider the rich variety of methods... .... Nature appears in few symbols-spring, rose, poppy, valley, mountain, shore, wave, stream, sun, moon, light, shade, darkness, thorn, wasteland. There are archetypes of lover and beloved, mythical.... Prof. Mujeeb was one of the most brilliant stars of the firmament of new ideas that the group led by Dr. Zakir Husain spread out over the Jamia Millia Islamia, which was both the birth-ground of a new educational philosophy and practice and a battle-ground of new ideas necessary to lead the Indian Muslim into a future of intellectual and spiritual freedom, a happy balance of faith and rationalism and a constructive synthesis of core Islamic and Indian civilizational values. This book represents all the shades and hues of the astonishingly diverse intellectual and academic expressions and achievements that Prof. Mujeeb was known for.