Braid Group, Knot Theory And Statistical Mechanics
Contents:Notes on Subfactors and Statistical Mechanics (V F R Jones)Polynomial Invariants in Knot Theory (L H Kauffman)Algebras of Loops on Surfaces, Algebras of Knots, and Quantization (V G Turaev)Quantum Groups (L Faddeev et al.)Introduction to the Yang-Baxter Equation (M Jimbo)Integrable Systems Related to Braid Groups and Yang-Baxter Equation (T Kohno)The Yang-Baxter Relation: A New Tool for Knot Theory (Y Akutsu et al.)Akutsu-Wadati Link Polynomials from Feynman-Kauffman Diagrams (M-L Ge et al.)Quantum Field Theory and the Jones Polynomial (E Witten) Readership: Mathematical physicists.