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Physical Activity Epidemiology
Physical Activity Epidemiology
Physical Activity Epidemiology, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive discussion of current population-level studies showing the influence of physical activity on disease. Updated with extensive new research collected in the eight years since the previous edition, the second edition adds the expertise of respected epidemiologist I-Min Lee. To assist readers in understanding the public health significance of physical activity, Dishman, Heath, and Lee present a detailed review of research findings and what those findings suggest regarding the relationship between physical activity and a variety of health risks. The second edition of this groundbreaking text has been exhaustively updated to reflect the wealth of new research published in this fast-moving field of study. With more than 100 pages of additional content, the text also offers more detailed coverage of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality, expanded coverage of pathophysiology and biological plausibility, new information on physical activity among various racial–ethnic populations, and the effects of physical activity on cognitive function, dementia, and HIV/AIDS. More than 250 tables and figures, twice the number found in the previous edition, highlight the latest epidemiological information in an easy-to-understand visual format. Physical Activity Epidemiology, Second Edition, assists readers in understanding how leisure-time physical activity can enhance people’s quantity and quality of life by summarizing the available knowledge, detailing the methods used to obtain it, considering its implications for public health, and outlining the important questions that remain. Readers will find comprehensive discussion of these topics: • Evidence that physical activity protects against the development of coronary heart disease and stroke and premature death from all causes • Population-based studies and clinical experiments providing evidence that physical activity and exercise play a role in the primary and secondary prevention of mild hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity • Contemporary epidemiologic evidence that physical activity reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis and protects against the development of breast and colon cancers, some inflammatory diseases, depression, and anxiety disorders • Considerations in the promotion of a safe, physically active lifestyle among all segments of the population Physical Activity Epidemiology, Second Edition, will engage and challenge students by examining the state of current research in all of its variation and even ambiguity. The text details the methodology and findings of classic and contemporary studies and then helps students begin to analyze the results. Special Strength of the Evidence sections found at the end of most chapters summarize the findings to determine the extent to which correlation and causation can be proven. Chapter objectives, chapter summaries, and sidebars in each chapter assist students in focusing on the key points of study, and an extensive glossary with detailed definitions provides a handy reference for review. Instructors will find a new image bank in this edition to enhance their class lecture materials. Physical Activity Epidemiology, Second Edition, offers students, sport and exercise scientists, health and fitness professionals, and public health administrators a comprehensive presentation of significant studies, how these studies contribute to understanding the relationship between activity and disease prevention, and how this information can be used in leading individuals, communities, and global society toward increased health and longevity.
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Piezoelectric Actuators
Piezoelectric Actuators
Currently, many smart materials exhibit one or multifunctional capabilities that are being effectively exploited in various engineering applications, but these are only a hint of what is possible. Newer classes of smart materials are beginning to display the capacity for self-repair, self-diagnosis, self-multiplication, and self-degradation. Ultimately, what will make them practical and commercially viable are control devices that provide sufficient speed and sensitivity. While there are other candidates, piezoelectric actuators and sensors are proving to be the best choice. Piezoelectric Actuators: Control Applications of Smart Materials details the authors’ cutting-edge research and development in this burgeoning area. It presents their insights into optimal control strategies, reflecting their latest collection of refereed international papers written for a number of prestigious journals. Piezoelectric materials are incorporated in devices used to control vibration in flexible structures. Applications include beams, plates, and shells; sensors and actuators for cabin noise control; and position controllers for structural systems such as the flexible manipulator, engine mount, ski, snowboard, robot gripper, ultrasonic motors, and various type of sensors including accelerometer, strain gage, and sound pressure gages. The contents and design of this book make it useful as a professional reference for scientists and practical engineers who would like to create new machines or devices featuring smart material actuators and sensors integrated with piezoelectric materials. With that goal in mind, this book: Describes the piezoelectric effect from a microscopic point of view Addresses vibration control for flexible structures and other methods that use active mount Covers control of flexible robotic manipulators Discusses application to fine-motion and hydraulic control systems Explores piezoelectric shunt technology This book is exceptionally valuable as a reference for professional engineers working at the forefront of numerous industries. With its balanced presentation of theory and application, it will also be of special interest to graduate students studying control methodology.
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Integrated Korean
Integrated Korean
Developed collaboratively by leading classroom teachers and linguists of Korean, High Intermediate replaces Advanced Intermediate as the third-year textbook in the popular Korean language-learning series Integrated Korean. All volumes are developed according to performance-based methodology and principles: contextualization, learner-centeredness, use of authentic materials, function/task-orientedness, balance between skill-getting and skill-using, and integration of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. Grammar points are systematically introduced with simple but adequate explanations and abundant examples and exercises. Each situation/topic-based lesson consists of objectives, pre-lesson topics, and conversation reading, further reading, and culture sections. Conversation and reading sections contain comprehension questions, grammar and usage, activities, and English translations. Vocabulary for each lesson appears conveniently at the bottom of the page. Integrated Korean is a project of the Korean Language Education and Research Center (KLEAR) with the support of the Korea Foundation. In addition to the five-level Integrated Korean textbooks and workbooks, volumes include Korean Reader for Chinese Characters, Korean Composition, Selected Readings in Korean, Readings in Modern Korean Literature, Korean Language in Culture and Society, and A Resource for Korean Grammar Instruction. A dictionary of Korean grammar and usage is forthcoming. Audio files for High Intermediate may be downloaded in MP3 format at
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Asian Septorhinoplasty
Asian Septorhinoplasty
This book explains the challenging problems often encountered by surgeons when performing septorhinoplasty and secondary rhinoplasty in Asian patients and identifies solutions based on the best available evidence. The opening chapter discusses issues relating to the longevity of alloplastic implants. Various dilemmas in Asian septorhinoplasty are then addressed, including in relation to resorption of autogenous grafts and various aspects of technique. The aim here is to enable surgeons to achieve consistent high-end results. In the case of secondary rhinoplasty, the coverage includes conundrums relating to the distinction between infection and delayed inflammation, the choice of graft materials, correction of the contracted nose, and key decisions, including in patients in whom the septum has been previously resected. A separate chapter provides guidance on the approach to specific difficult cases encountered in Asian populations, including tip deformity, columellar necrosis, nostril asymmetry, and recurrent nasal deviation. Finally, advice is given on best practice in the use of alloplastic materials.
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The Emergence of a New Generation
The Emergence of a New Generation
Through the course of economic hardships and spontaneous marketization, the social consciousness and mindset of the North Korean people have changed. In turn, this has become a major factor to the cohesiveness and stability of the North Korean society 1. Introduction 2. The Environment of the New Generation 3. The Experiences of the New Generation A. Bodily and Linguistic Experience B. Experience of Things and Place C. Experience of Relationship and Intimacy 4. Biographical Experiences and Characteristics of the Generation A. Case Studies B. The Characteristics of Generational Experience and the Division of the Generation 5. Conclusion
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Information Security and Cryptology – ICISC 2006
Information Security and Cryptology – ICISC 2006
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, ICISC 2006, held in Busan, Korea in November/December 2006. The 26 revised full papers presented together with two invited talks have gone through two rounds of reviewing and improvement and were selected from 129 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on hash functions, block and stream ciphers, efficient implementation and hardware, network security and access control, mobile communications security, forensics, copyright protection, biometrics, public key cryptosystems, and digital signatures.
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Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, LCTES 2000, held in Vancouver, Canada, in June 2000. The 12 revised full papers presented together with five posters were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 43 submissions. The book presents topical sections on formal methods and databases, compilers, tools, hardware, and work in process.
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The Silent God and the Silenced
The Silent God and the Silenced
"By exploring silence as more than just the mere absence of sound, scholars have addressed silence as a means through which one genuinely listens to Dasein (Heidegger), as an antidote to a reactive, volatile, and opinion-slinging culture (Susan Sontag), or as a communication alternative to the violent and turbulent rhetoric of the dominant narrative. Commonly recognized in these studies is the spiritual and mystical dimension of silence that transcends the rational and the comprehensible. This book begins where these theories leave off, arguing that "ultimate silence" arises from Christian mystical tradition and theology. The book particularly engages with Michel de Certeau's exploration of the empty tomb metaphor, Evagrius Ponticus' writings on hesychasm, S2ren Kierkegaard's reflections, Jean-Luc Nancy's notion of divine place, and Sarah Coakley's prayerful vulnerability. The book also puts "ultimate silence" into conversation with writers and artists, namely, Mary Oliver, Simone Weil, Susan Sontag, and the poet and performance artist Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. The book establishes a theory that makes the spiritual tradition of silence available for its practice in our everyday life, grounded in the inexhaustible mystery of the spiritual. With a deeper theological understanding of contemplation that transcends the rational, the practice of silence in everyday life facilitates engagement between listener and speaker that allows both parties to deepen the relationship"--
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This work, first published in 1994, provides a framework which covers the major aspects of contemporary standard Korean and allows cross-language comparisons. It offers a wide-ranging and comprehensive grammatical description of Korean, covering syntax, morphology, phonology, ideophone/interjections and lexicon.
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Integrated Korean
Integrated Korean
This is a thoroughly revised edition of Integrated Korean: Beginning 2, the second volume of the best-selling series developed collaboratively by leading classroom teachers and linguists of Korean. All the series’ volumes have been developed in accordance with performance-based principles and methodology—contextualization, learner-centeredness, use of authentic materials, usage-orientedness, balance between skill getting and skill using, and integration of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. Grammar points are systematically introduced in simple but adequate explanations and abundant examples and exercises. Each situation/topic-based lesson of the main texts consists of model dialogues, narration, new words and expressions, vocabulary notes, culture, grammar, usage, and English translation of dialogues. In response to comments from hundreds of students and instructors of the second edition, this new third edition features an attractive color design with new photos and drawings and lesson and vocabulary exercises that have been fully reorganized. Each lesson contains a conversational text (with its own vocabulary list) and a reading passage. The accompanying workbook—available online as well as in paperback—provides students with extensive skill-using activities based on the skills learned in the main text. Integrated Korean is a project of the Korean Language Education and Research Center (KLEAR) with the support of the Korea Foundation. In addition to the five-level Integrated Korean textbooks and workbooks, volumes include Korean Composition, Korean Language in Culture and Society, Korean Reader for Chinese Characters, Readings in Modern Korean Literature, A Resource for Korean Grammar Instruction, and Selected Readings in Korean. Audio files for this volume may be downloaded in MP3 format at
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