The 2016 Literary Date Book Anthology
"the 2016 literary date book anthology" is a 2015 poetry and brief prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of select materials accepted for 2015 issues through cc&d magazine ( and Down in the Dirt magazine ( All writing in this collection appears on one page of the book (the left-sided page), while one week of the 2016 calendar appears on the right-hand page. (This annual calendar from Scars Publications includes U.S. holidays plus U.K./Scotland/Ireland holidays in the weekly date book listing.) And so you're prepared for all seasons, this weekly calendar date book starts on December 20th 2015, and runs through all of 2016 all the way to January 14 2017.Writers and artists included in this book (listed in the order they appeari nthe calendar) are Ralph Monday, A.J. Huffman, Donald Gaither, Robert Bates, John Grey, Judith Ann Levison, Doug Draime, Allan Onik, Drew Marshall, Benjamin Sabin, Marlon Jackson, David Sapp, Frank De Canio, S. R. Mearns, Jon Brunette, Fritz Hamilton, Michael Lee Johnson, Linda M. Crate, G. A. Scheinoha, Frank C. Praeger, John Grey, Sheryl L. Nelms, CEE, Ronald Charles Epstein, Catherine B. Krause, Zak Parsons, Jenene Ravesloot, L. Payne, Richard King Perkins II, Eric Allen Yankee, Patrick Fealey, David James, Marianne Szlyk, R. N. Taber, Kenneth DiMaggio, Andy Roberts, David S. Pointer, Kelley Jean White MD, Simon Perchik, Aditya Shanka, Janet Kuypers, Erren Kelly, Jane Stuart, Dr (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Alan Catlin, David J. Thompson, Maura Gage Cavell, MCD, Chris Roe, Mimi Young, Sam Nicodemus, Michael C. Keith, Skerdi Brahimaj, Denny E. Marshall, Neil Flory, Eric Burbridge, Ag Synclair, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Sean Lause, Rose Marie, John Feaster, Chad Newbill, Roger G. Singer, David Hernandez, Chris Johnson, Christos C. Kallis, Edee Lemonier, Elizabeth Harper, Brian Looney, Michael Ceraolo, Xanadu, Daniel S. Weinberg, Luis Martinez, John K. Graham, I.B. Rad, Charles Hayes, Jackie Wolk, Zachary Harp, Jesse Williams, Oz Hardwick, Preston R. P., Traci Lavois Thiebaud, Chen Okafor, and Jay Frankston.