Maya Moo
On a farm so sunny, with skies so blue, Lived Maya Moo and her friends too. With giggles and games, they'd laugh and run, Every day was filled with fun. But one day in the meadow, who should they see? Billy the Bully, as mean as could be. With Lilly and Maxine, his friends by his side, They teased, and they mocked, and Maya just sighed. You look like a zebra" said Billy, as mean as could be. Maya was upset and screamed, "leave me be!" Maya felt hurt, but deep down she knew, That bullies can change with a kind word or two. So instead of fighting or feeling so sad, though the words made her mad. "We're all unique, and that's okay, Let's learn from each other and find a new way. We are all different, look around. Billy looked and didn't make a sound. By the end of the day, they'd all come to see, That being yourself is the best way to be.