A Concrete Approach to Mathematical Modelling
WILEY-INTERSCIENCE PAPERBACK SERIES The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists ofselected books that have been made more accessible to consumers inan effort to increase global appeal and general circulation. Withthese new unabridged softcover volumes, Wiley hopes to extend thelives of these works by making them available to future generationsof statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists. " . . . [a] treasure house of material for students and teachersalike . . . can be dipped into regularly for inspiration and ideas.It deserves to become a classic." —London Times Higher Education Supplement "The author succeeds in his goal of serving the needs of theundergraduate population who want to see mathematics in action, andthe mathematics used is extensive and provoking." —SIAM Review "Each chapter discusses a wealth of examples ranging from oldstandards . . . to novelty . . . each model is developedcritically, analyzed critically, and assessed critically." —Mathematical Reviews A Concrete Approach to Mathematical Modelling providesin-depth and systematic coverage of the art and science ofmathematical modelling. Dr. Mesterton-Gibbons shows how themodelling process works and includes fascinating examples fromvirtually every realm of human, machine, natural, and cosmicactivity. Various models are found throughout the book, includinghow to determine how fast cars drive through a tunnel, how manyworkers industry should employ, the length of a supermarketcheckout line, and more. With detailed explanations, exercises, andexamples demonstrating real-life applications in diverse fields,this book is the ultimate guide for students and professionals inthe social sciences, life sciences, engineering, statistics,economics, politics, business and management sciences, and everyother discipline in which mathematical modelling plays a role.