Buy It Right
This second edition of Buy It Right gives you even more guidance to purchasing the proper rowing equipment, whether new or used, so that you can make the best investment possible and get great equipment at the right price. Written by expert rowing coach Mike Davenport, Ed.D, Buy It Right is perfect for rowing coaches, rowing athletes, and self-taught individuals who want to either get into rowing or upgrade their current equipment. Get the Right Rowing Equipment - Even On a BudgetThe Buy It Right workbook contains over 70 pages of professional advice, written in simple, easy-to-understand language. It walks you through the 8 crucial steps that help you select and purchase the proper rowing equipment for your needs, even if you're on a budget.You'll discover...-The critical concepts of buying rowing equipment, including boat speed-How to determine your personal equipment needs and make the right choices-How to prioritize your needs and make the most important purchases first-How to clarify your budget so you can avoid major hassles and overspending-How to narrow down choices on which make of equipment you should buy-Ways to pick your options- the smart way, and the right way-The hidden costs everyone should know about before buying rowing equipment-How to avoid buyer's remorse and evaluate your purchaseWhether you're a sweep rower, a sculler, a rowing coach, or a self-taught individual, Buy It Right provides expert advice to maximize results without spending tons of money or investing tons of time. Find out which equipment to purchase, which equipment to purchase first, and learn how to save before you buy. You'll also increase your rowing knowledge and skills, as well as your independence, so you can feel proud and spend more time on the water.Make Smart Choices that Save You MoneyNew rowing equipment can cost a lot of money, and that's why Buy It Right helps you make the most your investment. You'll get the right equipment for your needs - and keep more money in your pocket.Purchase your copy now, save money and get the equipment right for you!