Comics and Cognition
"Comics and Cognition: Towards a Multimodal Cognitive Poetics develops an analytical approach to multimodal communication in comics through insights from embodied cognitive science, especially cognitive linguistics and visual psychology. It extends previous cognitive poetic frameworks to the study of multimodality in comics, providing a cohesive analytical framework that also connects comics to other literary and artistic interests. The approach highlights the embodiment of cognition, and how this structures knowledge in long term memory, and activates it through perception, mental simulation, and creative blending. These cognitive processes allow readers to make impressions, predictions, inferences, and eventually conclusions and interpretations about a text. Many of these processes of reader comprehension are unconscious, but emerge into a conscious experience of the multimodal text with a richly construed and nuanced texture. This book unpacks the dynamic interplay between the reader and the multimodal text throughout the processes of multimodal reading, including opportunities for interaction, interrogation, and improvisation of meaning derived from the reader's embodied and textual experiences, tackling crucial features of the comics form, and their impact on such issues as viewpoint, temporality, abstraction, metacommentary, and transmediation. The proposed multimodal cognitive poetics applies to narrative and art comics, in both print and digital media"--