From Lumberjills to Wooden Wonders
This is an alphabetised offbeat miscellany of short entries, each one dealing with some aspect of trees, forests, forestry or wood, but at the same time also connecting with some other subject such as history, legend, medicine, religion, literature, environmental science, art, architecture, law, warfare and so on. It begins with entries like 'Acid rain' and 'Acoustic properties of trees', and it ends with 'Yule-log' and 'Ziama and its people', Ziama being a sacred forest in Guinea where the author worked on and off for years. This is anything but a boring academic thesis. The book was written for entertainment, for whiling away a few minutes or hours of the reader's time. You will find a new surprise each time you open it. Did you know that... the Black Death led to reforestation in Europe, and that the reforestation probably caused the 'Little Ice Age'? Or that the Little Ice Age resulted in very narrow growth rings in the spruce trees of the Alps, and that those narrow growth rings probably contributed to the superb sound of the violins made by Stradivarius and other violin makers at that time? That early man had a tree-dwelling stage which contributed to the development of our hands and our stereoscopic vision? That the wars against the Persians and later the Turks devastated the forests of the Mediterranean area because of the need for shipbuilding timber. And so much more!