Victoria in My Memories
Historical memory has a particular value in analyzing events and characters that give life to stories from the past. Jorge Edwards specifies that the story’s description is nothing more than the literary success of a writer who navigates the vicissitudes of life and history, as he rightly points out. History must be observed carefully and as a “conjecture” that points, in the first place, to an experience of “memory” and that keeps alive, despite time, the unique reality of a country and its people. Like Edwards, we attempt to wander through reminiscences and recollection. Our narrative experience is simple. However, it is an observation and representation of history with a testimonial value in its approach. As the novelist points out, the testimony of history is the most creative thing that the writer has. In the same way, our effort is neither more nor less the rescue, through these short stories and their language, of facts and characters that are part of realities, in which their protagonists make time pass and tell us things from the past. Edwards is an inspirational source, like other novelists, whetting our appetites in his search for history, facts, and experiences that give us a unique opportunity to delve into the process of history in an endless dialogue that enriches and continues giving life to the past, in an infinite invention of it. It is ultimately the feeling that we have of things that happened and that we can continue learning from them. These memories and lived experiences are stories that perpetuate characters, intellectuals, writers, works, teachings, and places that express an essential part of life through readings, reflections, and significant looks at chronicles that resist oblivion and disappearance. From each of these short stories, we gather a vital part of the search for the truth and the real meaning of life.