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The ABCs of CBM
The ABCs of CBM
Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) has been adopted by growing numbers of school districts and states since the publication of this definitive practitioner guide and course text. The second edition presents step-by-step guidelines for using CBM in screening, progress monitoring, and data-based instructional decision making in PreK-12. It describes the materials needed and all aspects of implementation in reading, spelling, writing, math, and secondary content areas. Twenty sets of reproducible CBM administration and scoring guides and other tools are provided; the large-size format facilitates photocopying. Purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition: *Broader grade range--now has a chapter on secondary content areas. *Chapter on early numeracy; expanded content on early reading. *Nearly twice as many reproducible tools, including new or revised administration and scoring guides. *Key updates on graphing and on using online CBM databases. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas. See also The ABCs of Curriculum-Based Evaluation, by John L. Hosp, Michelle K. Hosp, Kenneth W. Howell, and Randy Allison, which presents an overarching problem-solving model that utilizes CBM.
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The ABCs of Curriculum-Based Evaluation
The ABCs of Curriculum-Based Evaluation
This book provides a practical guide to curriculum-based evaluation (CBE), which helps educators solve learning problems by making data-based decisions about what and how to teach. CBE offers clear procedures for analyzing PreK-12 students' academic skills, determining where instruction needs to focus, and evaluating progress. Written in an engaging, step-by-step style, the book features examples throughout that illustrate the problem-solving process. The use of curriculum-based measurement (CBM) as a data collection technique is discussed. Reproducible planning and implementation tools are included; the large-size format facilitates photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas. See also The ABCs of CBM: A Practical Guide to Curriculum-Based Measurement, by Michelle K. Hosp, John L. Hosp, and Kenneth W. Howell, which provides hands-on instructions for implementing a core technique used in CBE.
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The ABCs of CBM, First Edition
The ABCs of CBM, First Edition
This pragmatic, accessible book presents an empirically supported conceptual framework and hands-on instructions for conducting curriculum-based measurement (CBM) in grades K-8. The authors provide the tools needed to assess student learning in reading, spelling, writing, and math, and to graph the resulting data. The role of CBM in systematic instructional problem solving is explained. Every chapter includes helpful answers to frequently asked questions, and the appendices contain over 20 reproducible administration and scoring guides, forms, and planning checklists. The large-size format and lay-flat binding facilitate photocopying and day-to-day use. See also The ABCs of Curriculum-Based Evaluation: A Practical Guide to Effective Decision Making, by John L. Hosp, Michelle K. Hosp, Kenneth W. Howell, and Randy Allison, which presents a broader problem-solving model that utilizes CBM.
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The ABCs of CBM, Second Edition
Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) has been adopted by growing numbers of school districts and states since the publication of this definitive practitioner guide and course text. The second edition presents step-by-step guidelines for using CBM in screening, progress monitoring, and data-based instructional decision making in PreK-12. It describes the materials needed and all aspects of implementation in reading, spelling, writing, math, and secondary content areas. Twenty sets of reproducible CBM administration and scoring guides and other tools are provided; the large-size format and lay-flat binding facilitate photocopying. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman. New to This Edition: *Broader grade range--now has a chapter on secondary content areas. *Chapter on early numeracy; expanded content on early reading. *Nearly twice as many reproducible tools, including new or revised administration and scoring guides. *Key updates on graphing and on using online CBM databases. See also The ABCs of Curriculum-Based Evaluation, by John L. Hosp, Michelle K. Hosp, Kenneth W. Howell, and Randy Allison, which presents an overarching problem-solving model that utilizes CBM.
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Accommodating the Chinese
Accommodating the Chinese
This in-depth comparative study demonstrates that the hospital established in China - its planning and architecture, financing, and all aspects of day-to-day operation - differed from its counterpart at home. These differences were never due to a single, or even dominant cause. They were a result of a complex process involving accommodation, appreciation, negotiation, opportunism and pragmatism.
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Adolescents
Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Adolescents
Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Adolescents is an essential, user-friendly guide for clinicians who wish to implement DBT for adolescents into their practices. The authors draw on current literature on DBT adaptation to provide detailed descriptions and sample group-therapy formats for a variety of circumstances. Each chapter includes material to help clinicians adapt DBT for specific clinical situations (including outpatient, inpatient, partial hospitalization, school, and juvenile-detention settings) and diagnoses (such as substance use, eating disorders, and behavioral disorders). The book’s final section contains additional resources and handouts to allow clinicians to customize their treatment strategies.
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Deviance and Social Control
Deviance and Social Control
Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological Perspective provides a sociological examination of deviant behavior in society, with a significant focus on the major sociological theories of deviance and society’s reaction to deviance using readings from classic and current research.
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Visual Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatrics
Visual Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatrics
Visual Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatrics is organized by presenting symptom - "scalp swelling," "lumps on face" - and present a table of differential diagnoses, with corresponding images placed side by side for comparison. It's an incredibly user friendly, easy-to-read format, and provides physicians a way to approach their patients, rather than presenting them paragraphs of dense clinical information.
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The Beauty of Creation
The Beauty of Creation
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COVID-19, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics, E-Book
COVID-19, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics, E-Book
In this issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest editors Drs. Michelle Ng Gong and Gregory S. Martin bring their considerable expertise to the topic of COVID-19. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as ECMO in COVID-19, neurologic manifestations and sequelae in COVID-19, pediatric COVID-19, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory therapeutics in COVID-19, the critical care surge during COVID-19 and lessons for the future, and more. - Contains 11 relevant, practice-oriented topics including post-acute sequelae of SARS CoV-2 infection; COVID-19 and renal failure; the role of acute thrombosis in COVID-19; COVID ARDS: different phenotype of ARDS or same diversity of phenotype in ARDS; COVID-19 in the critically ill pregnant patient; and more. - Provides in-depth clinical reviews on COVID-19, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. - Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
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