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Our past influences our future and all generations. The emotional trilogy series “Lies, Lies, Lies” is the first of a 3 part series of emotional healing workbook. As the title indicate it’s about the effect of lies in a family that changed a once happy home. The characters are fictional however the summary of the first act of betrayal shattered the once happy home of Annie represents a real-life experience. Annie’s early life experiences did not dictate her choice to desire a happy home and her dreams were realized in Jack. As trust was eroded it leads to bitterness, unforgiveness, and years of resentment. As Annie searched for answers for healing and a failed marriage it brought mental and emotional anguish. The chapters following Annie’s “Trauma” begins with the biblical dissection and exploration of the origin of the first “Lie”. It explores the emotional desire that leads to the fall of heavenly and earthy beings and the mutagenesis of lies affecting all generations to date. The health connection follows which discusses how our human nature and desires affects our physical biochemistry. This thus results in illnesses such as anxiety disorders, gastrointestinal and metabolism issues. Many experiences line the path of success and failure and thus any emotional trauma should lead to healing. The book then transitions to give the reader an opportunity to write a chapter. The open-access allows the reader to journal an event or events which has resulted in emotional pain as a result of lies they have been told and/or lies they have told to others. This provides the reader the opportunity to make a choice that leads to the path of healing from the past. The next step provides steps in forgiveness included as a worksheet. The Author indicates that forgiveness only takes one person and can allow the reader to reclaim their future through reframing the past. In addition, the book provides an Emotional Quotient Test for each reader to do a self-assessment and provides steps to improve EQ Score as needed. The book provides the reader with a choice that can change the reproduction of a pattern of deception/lies in a family in order to preserve healthy relationships and families.
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Civil War Ghosts
Civil War Ghosts
While the War Between The States raged, the country's spirits were restless... Civil War Ghosts takes a look inside real ghost stories reported at the time of the Civil War. Covering each year from 1860 - 1865, explore real newspaper articles that weren't afraid to write about paranormal activity happening throughout the country during a time of national upheaval. Civil War Ghosts is a unique supernatural look at America while the states battled each other.
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A Mighty Tempest
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"GLASS. Fragile, stained, reflective...bullet-proof Glass." -- "Glass Dreams," GLASS. Leah Michelle Hamilton's 12 original scores for guitar, vocal, and keyboard are songs inspired by a diverse range of genres, including rich country, lively pop, blues and gospel. If you're a fan of country songwriter Waylon Jennings, this is the music book for you. It features Jeff Hale, Waylon Jennings' former drummer, as artist and producer on every song. Glass offers an energetic take on the classic twang of old school country. You'll experience the melodic talent of A-list Tennessee musicians in each song score, including Dave Spak, Doug Kahan, and Dennis Wage. Transcription talents of Roc McNaughton.
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Manners During the Civil War
Manners During the Civil War
Manners During the Civil War; American Etiquette and customs Adopted by Polite Society in the United States of America. Acquaintanceship.-Letters of Introduction Personal Introductions Unceremonious Introductions Visits of Ceremony New Year's Day Visits The Ball Room Public Amusements Private Balls Music Dress Gloves Funerals Visiting Cards Marriage Married Life Conversation Dinner Invitations, Notes and Letters
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I Would Still Be Drowned in Tears
I Would Still Be Drowned in Tears
In 1862, in the midst of a bloody civil war, President Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary, suffered unspeakable heartache when their young son died. To combat her grief, First Lady Mary Lincoln became a devotee of Spiritualism making the White House a center for Washington, D.C.'s Spiritualist community. For decades historians have maintained that President Lincoln only attended a few seances in an attempt to protect his mentally unstable wife. This narrative is incorrect, using a host of previously neglected primary sources, historian Michelle L. Hamilton documents the numerous seances President Lincoln attended and the interest he had for the religion. Michelle L. Hamilton's "I Would Still Be Drowned in Tears" sheds new light onto the Lincolns' interest in Spiritualism and proves that Mary Lincoln might not have been the only Spiritualist in the White House. "Perhaps now we can frankly admit, without ridicule or condemnation, the role Spiritualism played in the lives of Abraham and Mary,"--William Weeks, Ph.D., San Diego State University
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Beyond Faith: Belief, Morality and Memory in a Fifteenth-Century Judeo-Iberian Manuscript
Beyond Faith: Belief, Morality and Memory in a Fifteenth-Century Judeo-Iberian Manuscript
In Beyond Faith: Belief, Morality and Memory in a Fifteenth-Century Judeo-Iberian Manuscript, Michelle M. Hamilton sheds light on the concerns of Jewish and converso readers of the generation before the Expulsion. Using a mid-fifteenth-century collection of Iberian vernacular literary, philosophical and religious texts (MS Parm. 2666) recorded in Hebrew characters as a lens, Hamilton explores how its compiler or compilers were forging a particular form of personal, individual religious belief, based not only on the Judeo-Andalusi philosophical tradition of medieval Iberia, but also on the Latinate humanism of late 14th and early 15th-century Europe. The form/s such expressions take reveal the contingent and specific engagement of learned Iberian Jews and conversos with the larger Iberian, European and Arab Mediterranean cultures of the 15th-century.
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Collections and Objections
Collections and Objections
North America's museums are treasured for their collections of Aboriginal ethnographic and archaeological objects. Yet stories of how these artifacts were acquired often reveal unethical acts and troubling chains of possession, as well as unexpected instances of collaboration. For instance, archaeological excavation of Aboriginal graves was so prevalent in the late-eighteenth century that the government of Upper Canada legislated against it, although this did little to stop the practice. Many objects were collected by non-Native outsiders to preserve cultures perceived to be nearing extinction, while other objects were donated or sold by the same Native communities that later demanded their return. Some Native people collected for museums and even created their own.
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Child of War (Child of Chaos Series, Book Two)
Child of War (Child of Chaos Series, Book Two)
Daughter of infamous Kate Bowan, Ruth Wolfe is a confident, young archaeologist trying to prove herself in a male-dominated career in the 1970s. But she doesn't let the South American Dirty War, a crumbling Argentinean government, or even a distracting Viking-esque photojournalist get in her way of revealing the past's truths. Even if the photojournalist becomes more help than hindrance, more friend than enemy in a dangerous world of government conspiracies, disappearing rebels and gold-hungry thieves. Jack Baumann is an award-winning photojournalist, but his interest in Ruth has nothing to do with writing and everything to do with a dark agenda he's using her to achieve. Jack is riddled with secrets and a haunting past but he finds himself forgetting his ultimate goal in the face of Ruth's dedication and grace. Ruth and Jack form a partnership that leads them through the mountains of Argentina to post-war Europe. Will being watched over by her mother's Egyptian god cause them to succeed or to fail?
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Real War Games Inc.
Real War Games Inc.
I was on a bus full of sociopaths. The trouble was I had volunteered to be here. Had I only known, I lamented for the hundredth time since I'd boarded this small bus emblazoned with the Real War Games Inc. logo at the Denver International Airport, I never would have gotten off my plane from New York, never would have registered online six months ago, never would have followed through with this harebrained idea in the first place. But I had, thinking that somehow I would be able to understand, to discover the answer to the question that had begun to consume me more than a year ago when my twin brother had died in Iraq: What need had driven Brian to join the army - a decision that had resulted in his death? So I was here in order to understand. And hopefully find some way of moving on with my life. Although I couldn't imagine how to that without Brian. But somehow instead I'd ended up not on a bus with the other participants in this game but with sociopaths. Where had I gone wrong?
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