Faith Beginnings
Have you thought about when faith begins for a child? The Church teaches that we become members of the mystical body of Christ at our baptism. Infant baptism requires, however, that parents, godparents and other Christians instruct the child by forming his or her faith. When should this catechesis begin? Is an infant too young to learn the way of Jesus--the way of love? Parents today are bombarded with many messages about developing their child's preschool skills, yet faith development resources for parents during these formational years are surprisingly lacking. Though parents are encouraged to raise their child in the faith, few resources are provided to help families to teach their young children about God. Faith Beginnings helps parents form and nurture their preschool children's faith development, even in the earliest stages of life. In an era when preschool child development is being more deliberately understood, one might consider how essential it is to teach children about their faith. The authors provide concrete faith-related activities and suggestions to help parents nurture the faith life of their infant, toddler, and preschool children.