Embracing Race
With clarity, passion, and creativity, Michele Moses offers a new and promising lens for viewing the unsolved issues of race and education. In this book, Moses provides a comprehensive examination of four major race-conscious educational policies: bilingual education, multicultural curricula, affirmative action, and remedial education. She argues, convincingly, that such policies are critical to fostering self-determination and personal autonomy in students who will otherwise be left with a deficient education. Presenting a strong, theoretically grounded case for race-conscious educational policies, this volume offers a new framework for examining the complex interaction between race, education, opportunities, and justice. Some of the important questions addressed in this volume include: -- What must the educational system do to promote social justice for students of color and poor students? -- What is required to help these students to develop self-determination? -- How will race-conscious educational policies help to provide a fair education for all students?