Personality Marketing
This primer covers marketing elements and media strategies, plus communication and performance techniques. These can be used with traditional and social media, websites, videos, and personal selling. The book is a foundational text and reference for businesspeople, broadcasters, webcasters, agencies and other content creators on the fundamentals of writing copy, producing ads, and preparing for any contacts that are designed to entertain, teach or persuade others. It addresses the use of traditional media, the web, and mobile devices as promotional vehicles and also covers the principles of good video and audio for content marketing, training, and advertising. The book begins with the elements of the marketing mix from conception to consumption. It then explores how creative communication can help with competition against those with larger budgets, by planning and then transferring the right ideas, images and feelings to targeted individuals. The text looks at general human motivations plus consumer behavior, and outlines creative techniques including the use of visualization, wit and humor. The book concludes with vocal techniques, the subtext, and characterization methods for performing as personalities and marketers, and for training personnel throughout the company to project the right qualities in all of their contacts.