Building Information Modeling
The optimal approach to design, build, operate, and maintainbuildings With this strategic guide to building information modeling(BIM), you’ll learn how to implement this new technology aspart of a comprehensive systems approach to the design,construction, management, operation, maintenance, and use ofbuildings. The authors, among the leading experts andpioneers in BIM, show you how BIM supports more streamlined,integrated, and efficient business processes throughout the lifecycle of buildings, from their initial conception through theireventual retirement or reuse. The result is better qualitybuildings, lower construction and operating costs, shorter projectturnaround times, and a higher quality of building information tosupport better business decisions. Moreover, they set forth aplan for incorporating BIM into every organization’s existingworkflows, enabling you to take full advantage of all the benefitsthat BIM offers. Everything you need to implement a BIM approach is setforth in detail, including: The business case for BIM, demonstrating how it can improvecollaboration, facilitate better design and construction, optimizeworkflow, and help reduce risk Guidance for meeting the challenges of BIM such as anentrenched business culture, the proliferation of BIM tools, andthe uneven rates of BIM adoption The “big picture” view showing how yourorganization can work with business partners and fit into thebuilding life cycle in a BIM-enabled industry Throughout the book, sample documents and figures help youbetter understand the principles of BIM and how it works inpractice. In addition, first-hand accounts show you exactlyhow adopters of BIM have gained a competitive edge. Architects, engineers, constructors, building owners, andfacility managers can turn to this book to realize the fullpotential of BIM and radically improve the way buildings aredesigned, built, operated, and maintained.