Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
The fourthDiscrete Mathematics andTheoreticalComputer Science Conference (DMTCS 2003) was jointly organized by the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (CDMTCS) of the University of Auckland and the University of Bourgogne in Dijon, France, and took place in Dijon from 7 to12 July2003.Thepreviousconferenceswereheld inAuckland,NewZealand (1996, 1999) and Constan ̧ ta, Romania (2001). The ?ve invited speakers of the conference were: G.J. Chaitin (IBM, New York), C. Ding (UST, Hong Kong), S. Istrail (Celera Genomics, Rockville), M. Margenstein (LITA, Metz), and T. Walsh (UQAM, Montreal). The Programme Committee, consisting of V. Berthe (Marseille), S. Boza- lidis(Thessaloniki),C.S.Calude(chair,Auckland),V.E.Cazanescu(Bucharest), F. Cucker (Hong Kong), M. Deza (Paris and Tokyo), J. Diaz (Spain), M.J. D- neen(secretary,Auckland),B.Durand(Marseille),L.Hemaspaandra(Rochester), P. Hertling (Hagen), J. Kohlas (Fribourg), G. Markowski (Orono), M. Mitrovic (Nis), A. Salomaa (Turku), L. Staiger (Halle), D. Skordev (So?a), G. Slutzki (Ames), I. Tomescu (Bucharest), M. Yasugi (Kyoto), and V. Vajnovszki (- jon), selected 18 papers (out of 35) to be presented as regular contributions and 1 5 other special CDMTCS papers.