A Call to Arms
HELP! We all struggle with the powerful temptation of sexual lust. And although the Bible calls for purity, most believers don't know HOW to fight this intense desire. A Call To Arms is a biblical, practical, applicational, and inspirational guide to obtaining victory over lustful temptations. Its ideas are fresh, clear, timely, pro-active, positive, and proven. You will learn how to be equipped for battle, how to engage the enemy, and how to fight to win! An excited anticipation builds as you read stories of real-life spiritual battles that we all face, and then are given hope with answers for a victorious Christian walk. You are drawn in as a band of brothers and sisters to rally together against a common enemy. And you are inspired to know you don't have to live a life dominated by lust and unnatural sexual desire. The uniqueness of A Call To Arms is that it provides a clear strategy of PREEMPTIVE ATTACKS on temptation. Holding fast to the timeless commands of the Bible, this book shows a powerful and practical battle plan for taking the fight to the enemy and experiencing victory.