Connecting Leadership to the Brain
`Finally a book that translates what we know about brain functioning into practical guidelines for leadership. I recommend this book to leaders in a variety of situations - Robert J Marzano, Educational Consultant, and Author of Designing a New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (CORWIN PRESS 2000) `This is an excellent book! Scientifically credible, thoughtful, thought provoking, well written and practical. A very accessible, useful book for educators who wish to lead!′ Robert Sylwester, Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Oregon, Author of A Biological Brain in a Cultural Classroom, (CORWIN PRESS 2000) `Carefully researched and documented, yet filled with practical, immediately usable strategies, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand and influence human′ - Pat Wolfe, Educational Consultant, Mind Matters, Inc Connecting Leadership to the Brain intends to facilitate the formulation of new leadership perceptions and behaviour. In attempting to do so, this book does not present prescriptive formulae, recipes or "list" directives. Rather, it presents a framework for constructing personal understanding of the implications of emerging knowledge about human intelligence for leadership practice. Specifically, it presents a framework designed to advance leadership that is mindful, rather than mindless, of the nature and nurture of intelligence. In essence it is a framework for aligning leadership behavior to the advancement of collective capacity of individuals in the organization to think, learn and achieve purpose. This framework is motivated by three assumptions: a new day requires new perspective, a framework for reflection facilitates perceptual shift, there is no universal prescription for leadership.