Representative Sadleriana
This book is long overdue, especially in the fields of education, in general, and comparative education, in particular, anywhere in the world, where educational issues are reflected on, researched or written about. Unlike many current books on education having narrow perspectives, Sir Michael Sadler's approach to his contributions on educational issues and questions is eminently wide-angled. It also does justice to his dictum that as education is as broad as life, to call oneself an educational expert is to equate oneself with being an 'Expert on Life'! Sadler's thoughts and analyses are bafflingly of relevance for us today as educational policymakers or educational administrators, educators, politicians and statesmen. Besides the book's being a mine of thought-provoking information for academics, it is also an indispensable source of information for graduates, post-graduates, workers in national and international bodies (UNESCO) dealing with educational planning and assistance. This unprecedented publication underlines Sadler's unique educational scholarship both in content and style, expressed through an inimitable and felicitous English usage.