Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts, The Epidemic Educator and Motivational Speaker: Building confidence, stop the bullying, health & fitness lifestyle expert: Entrepreneur and Author. Educating in his 11-steps to beating: Depression, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism and drug addiction. Also: The 11-steps to success. Www.TheMichaelRobertsProject.com. I write my novels, I speak, I train, I educate, to change lives, save lives and help make a difference! They call me an epidemic educator because I educate in the prevention of depression, suicidal thoughts, bullying, anger, alcohol and drug abuse. I educate so you never choose those dark paths, and you hear, you get educated, you read, why you don't go down them. You beat these epidemics forever. I train and speak to motivate, inspire, install determination in wanting to be better, striving to be better. building confidence, learning and wanting to be successful! "Growing up with an abusive mother, an alcoholic father, becoming an alcoholic by 13, becoming depressed and a drug addict by 15, attempting suicide by jumping off a 250-foot cliff at 17, with the doctors saying, "This one will not live." Waking up out of a coma 3 weeks later, like a vegetable, a bruised brain, my body wrapped in bandages, a cast on my arm, splits down my legs, tubes up my nose, no feeling, my legs wouldn't move, words wouldn't come out of my mouth correctly. Now the doctors saying they didn't know if I was going to walk again, talk again, or function properly ever again. Well I was determined, I was motivated to beat those demons, to beat this disease, to take back control of my life. I spent the next 2 years of rehab, re-learning to walk, talk and function in life all over again. I did the unthinkable, the remarkable, because I defeated the odds and made a 100% recovery. More motivated in life, happy, feeling good and built confidence within, I came to Los Angeles at 20, and by 22, I started my first business with not much money and no knowledge of business, just pure determination, that led me to being a successful entrepreneur for the next 3 decades. I change thoughts, lives, families and lifestyles to success!" This is exactly why I started speaking, writing and started my 1 on 1 training sessions, too lead people of all ages from those dark paths, down the right paths, and into a lifestyle of success! My novels, speaking and training are powerful because they are real, the biggest reasons, because I write real, I speak real, with passion. I speak from experience and I speak to not only change lives but to save them!