The Dark Sire: Accolades
This special edition issue commemorates the 1st Annual TDS Creative Awards and its 13 winners in fiction, poetry, art, serialization, audience choice, cover art, and the Dark Sire. It's the cumulative issue that brings together the best of the best of not only TDS but of the writing community. At 143 pages, the issue is packed with a total of 4 short stories, 3 poems, 4 pieces of art, and, for the first time, 2 serializations in full chapters. Want to know what TDS is all about? Read this issue! Contributing authors and artists include: David Crerand, Dee Espinoza, S. M. Cook, Brenda Stephens, Kaleb Tutt, Steven Lombardi, Amanda Crum, Dena Simard, Shaun Power, John Kiste, Clay Hunt, Michael Walker, and Jacqueline Pankhurst.