The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction
The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction is the first book in 15 years to comprehensively cover the field of curriculum and instruction. Editors F. Michael Connelly, Ming Fang He, and JoAnn Phillion, along with contributors from around the world, synthesize the diverse, real-world matters that define the field. This long-awaited Handbook aims to advance the study of curriculum and instruction by re-establishing continuity within the field while acknowledging its practical, contextual, and theoretical diversity. Key Features"Offers a practical vision of the field" Defines three divisions school curriculum subject matter, curriculum and instruction topics and preoccupations, and general curriculum theory. "Presents the breadth and diversity of the field" A focus on the diversity of problems, practices, and solutions, as well as continuity over time, illustrates modern curriculum and instruction while understanding historical origins."Gives an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary focus" Offers a new way of interpreting the history of curriculum studies, which connects past, present, and future, leading to more productive links between practice, policy, and politics. Intended Audience This Handbook contributes to stronger ties between school practice, public debate, policy making, and university scholarship, making it a valuable resource for professors, graduate students, and practitioners in the field of education. It is an excellent choice for graduate courses in Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum Theory and Development, Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, and Educational Administration and Leadership. List of Contributors Mel AinscowKathryn Anderson-Levitt Rodino Anderson Michael Apple Kathryn Au William Ayers Rishi Bagrodia Cherry McGee Banks Nina Bascia Gert Biesta Donald Blumenfeld-Jones Patty Bode Robert E. Boostrom Keffrelyn D. Brown Elaine Chan Marilyn Cochran-Smith Carola Conle F. Michael Connelly Geraldine Anne-Marie Connelly Alison Cook-Sather Cheryl J. Craig Larry Cuban Jim Cummins Kelly Demers Zongyi Deng Donna Deyhle Elliot Eisner Freema Elbaz Robin Enns Frederick Erickson Manuel Espinoza Joe Farrell Michelle Fine Chris Forlin Jeffrey Frank Barry Franklin Michael Fullan Jim Garrison Ash Hartwell Ming Fang He Geneva Gay David T. Hansen Margaret Haughey John Hawkins David Hopkins Stefan Hopmann Kenneth Howe Philip Jackson Carla Johnson Susan Jurow Eugenie Kang Stephen Kerr Craig Kridel Gloria Ladson-Billings John Chi-kin Lee Stacey Lee Benjamin Levin Anne Lieberman Allan Luke Ulf Lundgren Teresa L. McCarty Gary McCulloch Barbara Means Geoffrey Milburn Janet Miller Sonia Nieto Kiera Nieuwejaar Pedro Noguera J. Wesley Null Jeannie Oakes Lynne Paine JoAnn Phillion William F. Pinar Margaret Placier Therese Quinn John Raible Bill Reese Virginia Richardson Fazel Rizvi Vicki Ross Libby Scheiern Candace Schlein William Schubert Edmund Short Jeffrey Shultz Patrick Slattery Roger Slee Linda Tuhiwai Smith Joi Spencer James Spillane Tracy Stevens David Stovall Karen Swisher Carlos Alberto Torres Ruth Trinidad Wiel Veugelers Ana Maria Villegas Sophia Villenas Leonard Waks Kevin G. Welner Ian Westbury Geoff Whitty Shi Jing Xu "