Pulmonary Physiology, Ninth Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Essential for USMLE and certification review! Gain a complete understanding of the aspects of pulmonary physiology essential to clinical medicine For more than thirty-five years, this trusted review has provided students, residents, and fellows with a solid background in the aspects of pulmonary physiology that are essential for an understanding of clinical medicine. The book clearly describes how and why the human respiratory system works in a style that is easy to absorb and integrate with your existing knowledge of other body systems. Features: •Thoroughly updated with new figures, tables, and end-of-chapter references and clinical correlations •Each chapter includes clearly stated learning objectives, summaries of key concepts, illustrations of essential concepts, clinical correlations, problems, and pulmonary function test data to interpret, and suggested readings •Enables you to understand the basic concepts of pulmonary physiology well enough to apply them with confidence in future practice •Provides detailed explanations of physiologic mechanisms and demonstrates how they apply to pathologic states If you’re in need of a concise, time-tested, basic review of pulmonary physiology -- one that encourages comprehension rather than memorization, your search ends here.