Thoughts of a Freethinker
Those of you who consider yourselves freethinkers of whatever type or combination of typesatheist, agnostic, ignostic, humanist, Unitarian, nonreligious, antireligious, secularist, ethical culturist, bright, realist, skeptic, and so forthmay enjoy seeing whether you have or had similar thoughts, ideas, or experiences as me throughout your lives. Or perhaps, as freethinkers often do, you have had totally unique, individual, or different thoughts from those of this particular self-proclaimed modern-day freethinker. For the religiousand I know there are many of you out there of numerous stripesif you dare, you may wish to see the type of thoughts that come from what I consider to be an unencumbered, freethinking mind. These are thoughts you may never have allowed yourself to contemplate. If you dare, see what its like on the free side of thought. Take in a breath of fresh air, think outside of your box, broaden your horizons, and see how one thinks outside the box of religious dogma. Discover the world of free, self-directed thought. In essence, see what makes a freethinker tick and why one can be more passionate about reality and life in the freethinking world than any religionist could ever imagine (no religion) in his or her confined, dogmatic world of superstition. There can be no freedom without the freedom to think for yourself!