Happy Family Life
Happy Family Life wants you, the reader, to define your marriage as a God-given responsibility, understand the imperative of selflessness in marriage, and commit yourself to loving and caring for your spouse to the best of your abilities. Realizing that marital affection is the crux of marital love, always prepare and present the best of yourself - in both words and deeds - to your spouse with your utmost affection. Equip yourself, therefore, with the fruit of the Spirit characterized by charity, joy, peace, patience, affection, respect, honesty, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, fidelity, gentleness, and self-control. Proper use of these features of the fruit of the Spirit will make your family life peaceful, happy, enjoyable, endearing, and enduring, particularly if you look inwardly first for solutions as you navigate through the ever-demanding vagaries of family life.