Million Man March
A strikingly photographed exploration of the largest gathering of African American men in U.S. history—the Million Man March—and their journey to Washington, D.C. to renew their faith and commitment It was a day for men to join hands and pray for peace and self-responsibility; a day for Black men to sing, to rejoice, to celebrate each other. It was a day for Black men to cry, to share their universal suffering, to strengthen their spirits, atone, and pledge to rebuild their communities. . . . This book, with more than one hundred powerful images, chronicles an event that will be etched in the hearts of Black Americans everywhere. It is not intended to document every movement, every speaker, celebrity, or poet. Rather, it is meant to offer a remembrance of one of the most pivotal and poignant moments in American history. It is a commemorative account of Black men who answered a call for self-examination and to reaffirm their values of family, faith, and community. Think of it as a snapshot of, perhaps, the most inspiring, spiritually uplifting, and socially profound moment of our time. Cherish and reflect on this chronicle, which records the natural alliance and self-liberation of more than one million men. Share in the celebration of a vast grassroots movement, and help preserve the spirit of the Million Man March.