The 2019 Literary Review Date Book
"the 2019 literary review datebook" is a 2018 poetry and brief flash fiction collection book (also including occasional artwork with writing) from Scars Publications ( of select materials accepted for 2018 issues through cc&d magazine ( and Down in the Dirt magazine ( All writing in this collection appears on one page of the book (the left-sided page), while one week of the 2019 calendar appears on the right-hand page. (This annual calendar from Scars Publications is set for U.S. weeks from Sunday - Saturday, but this book includes U.S. holidays plus U.K./Scotland/Ireland holidays in the weekly datebook listing.)Writers and artists included in this book are also listed with their writing at the Scars Publications book link (search for the book title in the books section at Writers and artists in this issue collection book include A.J. Huffman, Aaron Wilder, Abbey Faith Sere, Adrian Slonaker, Ahsan Jilani, Alan Catlin, Alandya Durand, Alexandria Simmons, Allan Onik, Allen F. McNair, Andrew Schenck, Ann Christine Tabaka, Anna Kander, ayaz daryl Nielsen, Bekah Steimel, Brian Looney, Bruce McRae, Calvin Becker, Cathy Porter, Cecelia Burton, CEE , Charles Hayes, Chella Courington, Christina Culverhouse, Christina M. Jackson, Christopher Hivner, Clay Carpenter, Corey Cook, Dan Fitzgerald , Daniel David, David J. Thompson, David Lohrey, David Russell, David Spicer, David Stallings, DS Maolalai, Eli Tomitch, Elizabeth Kropf, Emily Strauss, Eric Bonholtzer, Erin Farias, Erren Kelly, Fabrice Poussin, Francis Raven, Gaby Bedetti, George K. Karos, Gregg Dotoli, I.B. Rad, Indunil Madhusankha, Isabelle Kenyon, James B. Nicola, James Wylder, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, JD DeHart, Johann Sam, John (ìJakeî) Cosmos Aller, John Dorroh, John F McMullen, John Grey, John L. Stanizz , John Yotko, John Zedolik , Julie A Martin, KB Imle, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kersten Christianson, Kristyl Gravina, Kyle Heger, LíDia Cantu, Linda M. Crate, MarchDrew Marshall, MarchPreeti Singh, Marlon Jackson, Megan Mealor, Pavol Janik, PhD., Michael Ceraolo, Michael Gullickson, Michael Lee Johnson, Miki Byrne, Millard C. Davis, Milton P. Ehrlich, Minh-Tam Le, Neil Flory, Olivia Keeper, Peter LaBerge, R. N. Taber, Rae Monroe, Rajagopal Kaimal, Retta Lewis, Robert Beveridge, Robert Ronnow, Robin Barratt, Roger G. Singer, Ronald Charles Epstein, Rose E. Grier, S. Clay Sparkman, Sheikha A., Stefanie Bennett, Stefanie Bennett, Susan Marie, T.William Wallin, Thom Woodruff, Travis Green, Uzeyir Lokman Cayci, Wes Heine, and Xanadu.