Arm Candy
Updated Edition! From Julia Roberts to Angelina Jolie and even Tom Hanks, Chris has escorted them all down the red carpet. Despite the sinful connotations that the title "escort" has, a celebrity escort is a professional job that has given him ALL ACCESS to Hollywood's most exclusive events accompanying the biggest stars including Sandra Bullock, Fergie, Jennifer Aniston, Mariah Carey, Taylor Swift, Megan Fox, Courtney Love, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Pamela Ander- son, Queen Latifah, Susan Lucci, Betty White as well as dozens of others. Arm Candy: A Celebrity Escort's Tales From the Red Carpet tells Chris's amazing journey from a small town in Pennsylvania to NYC and finally Hollywood where he has rubbed elbows with the world's biggest stars. From the red carpet to the amazing after parties, Chris reveals what happens when the cameras are turned off, shares backstage secrets, dishes the dirt on what celebrities have behaved like divas, provides his coveted party crashing tips and even tells a heartfelt tale about a celebrity that inspired Chris while he battled cancer. Arm Candy is a book for anyone who loves glitz, glam, celebrities and the red carpet! Whether hanging out in the dressing room at the Grammys, running lost through a casino with Cyndi Lauper or sneaking out the back door with Paris Hilton, Chris's job is always an adventure. Take a peek at what really goes on behind the curtain and at the edge of the red carpet from the view of Hollywood's ultimate insider. You will never look at Hollywood the same way again...