ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual & Textbook Second Edition
The ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual & Textbook Second Edition represents an exhaustive update and expansion of the previous volume, organized as a graduate level textbook with extensive instructor resources. New content is based on the most recently published evidence-based review (Cicerone et al, 2019), and includes 12 new or updated treatment recommendations and 5 new chapters that address functional neuroanatomy, single case methodology for clinical practice, group and comprehensive rehabilitation, implementing and individualizing interventions, and an overview of web-based and other resources. Updated content has been integrated throughout the original 6 first-edition chapters; these include an introductory chapter on conceptualizing, planning and goal-setting for individualized cognitive rehabilitation interventions, and dedicated chapters on implementing evidence-based interventions for impairments in attention, memory, executive functioning, visuospatial functions and apraxia, and social communication.The Cognitive Rehabilitation Second Edition Manual and Textbook lays the foundation for implementation science: research results are used to inform practice in everyday clinical settings. The authors have translated empirically based practice recommendations into step-by-step protocols for improving functioning in the cognitive domains most commonly affected by brain injury. Never before have research outcomes been made so accessible for use in everyday clinical work. This edition is best suited for clinicians who have had some formal training in cognitive rehabilitation and who have experience working with individuals with brain injury (e.g., traumatic brain injury, stroke). The information and materials provided can be readily used by occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, psychologists, and other rehabilitation professionals, including those in graduate-level training across these disciplines who have completed the ACRM BI-ISIG Cognitive Rehabilitation Training.