The Superconscious Path
The philosopher's stone is an alchemical substance that's able to turn base metal into gold. It was exactly what I was looking for as I went on a journey to transform my life into something precious. By 2018, I'd created everything I'd set out to achieve. I was married to an amazing woman, I had a multi-million-dollar business, I was in great health, and had amazing friends. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling something was missing.I was already schooled on the idea that fixing myself wasn't needed. I understood how to connect to my super-conscious and recode any limitations, yet my life felt empty, and I didn't know why. I wasn't unhappy, so to speak. I was just¿numb. I felt like I was going through the motions of life instead of really living it. By day, I ran a successful digital marketing agency and education business from my home office on the Gold Coast in Australia. In the evenings, I would play tennis and have friends over for barbecue and drinks multiple times a week.