Dear Woman
Find the power within yourself to overcome doubts and fears and live in this world as the best woman, friend, daughter, mother, and wife you can be. No one has just one page in their life story. That’s why Dear Woman has everything—quotes, letters, short stories, and poems to educate, motivate, encourage, and provide a little tough love. This open letter is just as multifaceted and inspirational as you are. Michael E. Read wrote this book because he wants nothing more than for you to be the best woman possible, regardless of circumstance. In Dear Woman, he encourages you to feel the same way. This is more than a self-help book, more than just relationship advice for women—though it does include both of those things. No, this inspirational open letter, full of poetry and wisdom, is life advice just for you. You are an amazing woman. Deep down, you know that. Dear Woman isn’t here to tell you that you need to improve. Rather, it’s here to tell you that you can be your true self—for yourself. This is the life advice you need, because you deserve to thrive for no other reason than the fact that you are a woman. Dear Woman was written in hopes of shedding a little light and love. Let it add some brightness to your life. After reading this book, you will: · Love yourself whole-heartedly · Know that you deserve the best · Be confident regardless of what life throws at you