Becoming a Professional Counselor
If you are planning to become a nationally certified counselor or preparing to take comprehensive exams in doctoral, specialist, or master′s degree programs, Becoming a Professional Counselor, Second Edition is the ideal resource for you. A best-seller in its first edition, the second edition has been updated and expanded to offer you the guidance you need to become nationally certified by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) or the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). Clear and concise, the authors discuss, step by step, topics such as human growth and development; social and cultural foundations; the helping relationship; group dynamics, process, and counseling; appraisal of the individual; research and evaluation; and professional orientation. Each chapter provides an outline, summary, list of important terms and names (which are keyed to the glossary at the end of the book), and practice tests. This precise, insightful manual is an invaluable tool, with its success-proven formula of summarization, testing, and review. It facilitates the foundation building and preparation necessary for involvement in counseling and in the helping professions. Retaining the same easy-to-follow format as the first edition, this new edition updates the names of key organizations while adding new information relevant to changes in the counselor certification exam. Becoming a Professional Counselor, Second Edition facilitates the foundation building and preparation necessary for involvement in counseling and the helping professions.